Welcome to the B2-C1 Level Reading Text & Advanced Test 5 offered by EnglishMatic under ESL advanced reading comprehension tests with questions. This free English b2-c1 reading exercise comes with an advanced reading text and has 5 multiple choice reading questions with answers. You will see the results instantly upon submitting the test. Practise some reading now!
B2-C1 Level Reading Passage & Test 5 (Advanced) – Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer!
In India car maker Tata Motors have brought out the cheapest car in the world: the Nano, first introduced in 2008. It costs only 2,500 dollars plus taxes. Tata director sees the Nano as a “People’s Car”, designed especially for India’s lower middle classes, those who earn less than 200 dollars a month. India makes about 1.2 million cars a year and the idea of a cheap car for everyone makes some experts sceptical. More cars lead to more traffic and more pollution, which also contributes to global warming. One of the biggest trends in producing cars today is keeping them small so you can find a parking space quickly, running them with as little petrol as possible and having room for as many people as possible. This is exactly what the Nano combines. It is only 3 metres long and 1.6 metres tall but it still has four doors and room for five people. The car is lightweight, the parts are glued together and there is only one windshied wiper instead of two. The Nano has a 30 horsepower engine and a four-speed manual transmission, found at the back of the car, like the legendary VW Beetle. It reaches speeds of up to 100 km an hour and needs about 2 gallons of fuel per 100 miles. At 2,500 dollars you will only be able to buy the basic model of the Nano, without any extras. Air conditioning and other additional features would raise the price by about 4,000 dollars.
Check other free reading comprehension tests & exercises. For the purpose of helping you to practise your reading comprehension and get better scores in English reading tests, EnglishMatic prepared unseen esl english reading texts, advanced reading passages with questions, and reading test questions. On this page is an advanced reading exercise for advanced ESL learners and it includes an unseen c1 reading text and multiple choice reading comprehension questions with answers.
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