Online English Proficiency and Practice Tests

Welcome to EnglishMatic’s free online proficiency, practice and revision tests which are mixed general tests prepared for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Our mini practice tests include English grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and cloze questions. All English proficiency and practice tests on this page consist of multiple choice questions with answers.

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Elementary (A1-A2) Level Free English Proficiency & Practice Tests

Intermediate (B1-B2) Level Free English Proficiency, Practice Tests

Advanced Level (C1, IELTS, TOEFL) English Proficiency & Practice Tests Online

How Our Online English Proficiency & Practice Tests Can Help You!

Learners of English will eventually take a serious exam, be it a certificate test, a college admission & placement test or an English language proficiency exam like the TOEFL, IELTS or FCE. English proficiency tests are administered and used by official institutions to evaluate the learner’s level of attainment in grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening and speaking skills. Hence, English language proficiency tests require lots of practice, high level of English knowledge, patience and time. In brief, it is a continuum of gaining experience and making sense of English.

On this page, offers free online grammar, vocabulary and general practice tests. Our mixed English practice tests consist of a certain number of grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and sentence completion multiple-choice questions with answers. In other words, our online English practice tests will have 10 questions of grammar, vocab, reading passage and cloze tests. So you will have free online mini English practice tests to test your knowledge and skills. You can use these practice exercises to prepare for the international proficiency tests like IELTS, TOEFL, FCE and PET.

We have prepared beginner, intermediate and advanced English language proficiency and practice tests online for learners of English preparing for a college exam, school test or IELTS. Review and revise your grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension online by taking our mini English proficiency and mock practice tests. Check your test results, see your rank among previous test-takers, have a chance to make up for your poor or unsatisfactory performance. Get ready for your exam by taking our online sample FCE, PET, IELTS and TOEFL proficiency and mock practice tests.

Description: EnglishMatic’s free online proficiency and practice tests are mixed general tests prepared for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. Our mini practice test include English grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and cloze questions. All English proficiency and practice tests on this page consist of multiple choice questions with answers.

Las pruebas gratuitas de competencia y práctica en línea de EnglishMatic son pruebas generales mixtas preparadas para niveles principiante, intermedio y avanzado. Nuestra mini prueba de práctica incluye gramática inglesa, vocabulario, comprensión de lectura y preguntas cloze. Todas las pruebas de competencia y práctica de inglés en esta página consisten en preguntas de opción múltiple con respuestas. I test di competenza e di pratica online gratuiti di EnglishMatic sono test generali misti preparati per livello principiante, intermedio e avanzato. Il nostro mini test pratico include grammatica inglese, vocabolario, comprensione della lettura e domande cloze. Tutti i test di conoscenza dell’inglese e di pratica in questa pagina consistono in domande a scelta multipla con risposte. Les tests de compétence et de pratique en ligne gratuits d’EnglishMatic sont des tests généraux mixtes préparés pour les niveaux débutant, intermédiaire et avancé. Notre mini test pratique comprend des questions de grammaire anglaise, de vocabulaire, de compréhension de lecture et de cloze. Tous les tests de compétence et de pratique en anglais sur cette page consistent en des questions à choix multiples avec des réponses.

Free online English grammar, vocabulary, reading and cloze proficiency and practice tests prepared for beginner, intermediate and advanced learners.

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Title & Link: Online English Proficiency and Practice Tests
Summary: Free online English grammar, vocabulary, reading and cloze proficiency and practice tests prepared for beginner, intermediate and advanced learners.