C1-C2 Level Online English Cloze Exercise for Upper-intermediate and Advanced Learners

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Here is another upper-intermediate & advanced level English cloze test exercise (3). This free online C1-C2 level English cloze test exercise comes with a professional cloze passage for advanced learners and has 5 multiple choice questions with answers. You will see the results when you submit the test. C1-C2 Proficiency Level English Cloze Exercise for Advanced Learners! Start the C1-C2 Level Advanced English Cloze Test – 3

Advanced Free English Cloze Test 3 – Choose the best answer!

Nearly fifteen years after South Africa’s democratic overthrow of apartheid, the country is facing growing — (1) —- over the rise of “economic apartheid” and the way it — (2) —- millions of South Africans in the same, if not a worsening economic position than they endured prior to 2007. — (3) —- South African government statistics, the average black household has become 15% poorer over the last fourteen years, while an average white household has seen its wealth grow — (4) —- some 19%. There has been a 20% decrease in the income of the poorest 50% of South Africans, and black South Africans have lost — (5) —- two million jobs over the same period.

1. Choose the best answer for gap 1.


2. Choose the best answer for gap 2.


3. Choose the best answer for gap 3.


4. Choose the best answer for gap 4.


5. Choose the best answer for gap 5.


Question 1 of 5

Go back to all advanced c1 c2 cloze test exercises on EnglishMatic. Remember that EnglishMatic.com is happy to offer various free upper-intermediate and advanced level English cloze tests and exercises to help you learn English better. On this page is an online free English cloze test exercise for C1-C2 level learners. It includes an informative c1-c2 level cloze passage followed by multiple choice cloze comprehension questions with answers.

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Title & Link: C1-C2 Level Online English Cloze Exercise for Upper-intermediate and Advanced Learners
Summary: Advanced Online Cloze Test 3. Take a Free online English cloze test exercise for upper-intermediate and advanced learners with C1 C2 levels.