Online English Cloze Exercise for C1 Level Advanced Learners

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Welcome to EnglishMatic’s 4th advanced level cloze exercise with answers. This free online English cloze exercise comes with a C1 advanced level cloze passage and 5 multiple choice questions with answers. You will see the results when you submit the test. Take this C1 Advanced English Cloze Exercise Now!

Advanced Free English Cloze Test 4 – Choose the best answer!

The gondola has been a part of Venice since the 11th century. — (1) — its slim shape and flat underside, the boat is perfectly adapted to manoeuvring in Venice’s narrow, shallow canals. The front of the boat has a — (2) — leftward curve to prevent it from going around in circles, as the gondolier, or operator of the boat, uses the oar only on the right side. In 1562, it — (3) — that all gondolas should be black to stop people from making an — (4) — show of their wealth. Today, gondola rides are expensive, and are — (5) — taken only by tourists.

1. Choose the best answer for gap 1.


2. Choose the best answer for gap 2.


3. Choose the best answer for gap 3.


4. Choose the best answer for gap 4.


5. Choose the best answer for gap 5.


Question 1 of 5

Want to study more c1 advanced cloze tests? Find them here. C1 advanced level cloze exercises evaluate learners’ comprehension of grammar and vocabulary items and constitute an essential part of language tests. proudly offers advanced c1 level English cloze reading tests and exercises to help you learn English better. On this page is an online free English cloze exercise for C1 level advanced learners. It includes an informative cloze text and there are multiple choice cloze comprehension questions with answers.

Tags: c1 level english cloze exercise, advanced online cloze reading exercise for c1 level, c1 english cloze passage, advanced english cloze exercise c1 level.

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